Tuesday, October 03, 2006

1) Do you have keys?

2) Do you have a key ring?

3) Who would give you the most money?

4) What is the most you would pay for a keyring?

5) What would you like to see in a keyring you would buy?

6) Have you ever bought a keyring?

7) What would you want to see on a teacher’s keyring?

8) What type of colours would you like to see?

9) What gender are you

10) Would you like a keyring as a present.
“In what ways does swindells present Silverdale and Rawampton a utopia and a dystopia respectively”?

A utopia is a world that everything is perfect and people have alot of money and noting is wrong. But dystopia is when everything is bad and everything is wrong and people don’t have a lot of money.

In the book Daz4Zoe the person who lives in dystopia is Daz.
Daz had a beat up leather jacket, and wild greasy-looking hair.
His behaviour was good and kind. He was told to kill Zoe but instead he saved her and lost his place in the Dred. (A gang)
Life on Daz’s side is dark and dingy, burnt down houses, litter every were on the floors and astray dogs.
Zoe lives in utopia.